Please find the discussion questions for our March 2023 pick, We Begin at the End by Chris Whitaker below! I’d love to hear what you thought of the book.
- You can the ongoing book club discussions in the Facebook group here.
- You can order your copy of the book here or you can buy all three of our quarter 1 book club picks (at a discounted rate!) here.
What did you think of Chris Whitaker’s cast of characters? Who did you love? Who did you hate and who fell into the grey space in between?
Duchess says to Walk, “There’s always a man. Whenever anything fucked up happens in the world, there’s always a man.” (chapter 1, p. 10).
Later, Duchess thinks about Darke: “She knew what men could do, all of them, capability was enough.” (chapter 24, p. 199).
What do you make of the portrayal of each gender in this book? Are men or women worse in this novel, or might they be equally good or bad?
“But then maybe there aren’t degrees of bad. Maybe it doesn’t matter by how much you cross the line.”
“Most people get near. At least once in their life.”
“Not you, Walk.”
Do you think there is a moral line that once crossed, you can’t return?
Star believes “the universe finds a way to balance the good and the bad”
Thinking about the story, do you agree with her?
At school, Duchess learns that the triangle is the strongest shape. How is this fact reflected in her life? Who are the strongest trio of characters in this novel?
Why do you think Duchess clings to the belief that she is an outlaw? Why does she reference outlaws throughout the book?
Do you think each character gets the ending they deserve? Is there anything you wish had turned out differently?
Would you like to see the book adapted for the screen? Do you think it would better suit a film or a series? Who would you cast to play each (or some of) the characters?
Author Chris Whitaker has had no ‘formal writing training’ but has been a reader his whole life. What do you think it is that makes someone a ‘good writer’?
Why do you think the author named this book what he did? Do you think the title fits the book? Why or why not?
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